Quick timeline of books

timeline - connections small

In case you were curious where all of the books fit in my paranormal world, here is a handy picture guide. Hopefully it makes sense but if it doesn’t and you have any questions, post a comment here, on facebook, or email me at acwarneke@yahoo.com Obviously it doesn’t include my contemporary romances but if it did, I’d say they are current with the Stone Lover/Stone Romance/Siren Song stories.

Stone Solitude is LIVE

Stone Solitude is now available at Amazon!  (If you click on the image, it will take you to the Amazon US page) The cover is slightly different but I love it so much more.

Stone Solitude ebook

Also, I am giving away three paperback copies over at goodreads so make sure to enter before midnight October 31st:


Now that Stone Solitude is wrapped up, I am hard at work on the next book. Well, I have the name of the hero and the first scene.