Stone Solitude is LIVE

Stone Solitude is now available at Amazon!  (If you click on the image, it will take you to the Amazon US page) The cover is slightly different but I love it so much more.

Stone Solitude ebook

Also, I am giving away three paperback copies over at goodreads so make sure to enter before midnight October 31st:

Now that Stone Solitude is wrapped up, I am hard at work on the next book. Well, I have the name of the hero and the first scene.

Happy Easter!!

Darkness Falls is finally, finally here! Since I am going to (try to be) offline for the next week, I published it a few days early. I even have the free days set up: April 21, and the weekend of April 25-28th.

The Winter in Spring giveaway is still going on until April 30. If you haven’t entered, now is your chance.

Have a great Easter! ❤

Darkness Falls ebook

Winter in Spring giveaway is LIVE

So, I finally had some time to set up the Winter’s Heart giveaway, two months after publication! A few of the prizes include a paperback copy of Winter’s Heart, the awesome mug that’s pictured, hot pink stress balls, and a few other prizes. Since there is almost three weeks to enter, I might even come up with a few more prizes. 😀 There are a few ways to enter so be sure to check it out and try to win a piece of Winter. ❤


Winter's Heart ebook mug WP_20140331_007

February updates

I keep coming to my blog with the intention of updating but as soon as I click on new post and the little box comes up my mind immediately blanks and I can think of nothing to write about, no matter how many things I come up with through the day. Today is probably no different because my brain has turned to sludge and is oozing out my ears. It’s been crazy busy since the release of Winter’s Heart – mostly with darling daughter’s dance. Her first competition is coming up this weekend so there have been extra rehearsals, which is really cool since we get to see the other dances. The dancers at the studio are amazing.

Also, as stated previously, my brain is sludge. I keep opening up my Darkness Falls files, hoping desperately to wrap that story up because it is SOOOO close to the end, and nothing. Okay, maybe a sentence or two a day, which is practically nothing. Hopefully after this weekend the Muses will start talking to me once again and Darkness Falls will find its voice. Sometimes I am tempted to scrap the whole thing and begin again from a completely different direction but there are parts of Darkness Falls that are not so easily gotten rid of. So I sit and eat my Dove chocolate and stress over it.  🙂

Anyway, the giveaway for 3 hard copies of Winter’s Heart is still going on over at Goodreads:

Winter’s Heart giveaway at goodreads

Winter’s Heart the complete novel:

Winter's Heart interiorAnd because it’s too cool not to share, my daughter’s awesome shirt (found at

FOTB3A0 WP_20140221_010She likes saying to all of her non-Whovian friends: “I’m sorry you don’t understand my Doctor Who reference. I’m so, so sorry.”

Winter is coming!!!!

It has been a crazy month and there haven’t been a lot of posts because Winter took over my life and now he is almost ready to come. The cover has been made, the blurb has (finally) been written, the dedications and acknowledgements have been written, I have Winter’s Heart bookmarks AND stickers, and I have heard back from most of my Beta readers so Winter will be available before Valentine’s Day. The last post non-Winter post I had was written on January 17th and re-reading it is a little strange because three weeks later, the Muses’ book is ready to publish while poor Darkness Falls has been temporarily pushed aside yet again. If you click on the image you will be able to read the blurb. I had an alternative blurb stanza but it gave away the antagonist. 🙂

Winter's Heart

The finished book is 116,200 words but the words fly by and it feels much shorter because it’s just that much fun. Well, if you enjoy exceedingly hot, sexy times with a gorgeous hero and a slightly warped sense of humor. Winter’s Heart contains: strong language and mild to medium kink, more extreme than some will be comfortable with, pretty vanilla to those who are into hard core BDSM, but just perfect for those who fall in love with Winter.

If you want a chance to win a paperback copy, you can head over to goodreads and enter the drawing there: Winter’s Heart giveaway

And if you want a little bit more, the first review is up: Paris’s review

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!! Leave a comment here or on facebook ❤