two months? seriously?

Life has been a little crazy around here lately and my blog has been put on the back burner while we run around like mad men. There has been fairy wings, dance competitions, writing, sewing, crocheting, dance classes, visits with family, a little bit of reading, Supernatural marathons, Stargate SG-1 marathons, Stargate Atlantis marathons… well, we just began our Stargate Atlantis marathon, and a million other things. A MILLION KISSES OR MORE is getting closer and closer to being finished – just a few more scenes to write and then the first rounds of edits and then beta readers and then a couple more rounds of edits and then publishing!! I am still aiming for a late spring/ early summer release, though it will be later than my initial goal of April 21 (my birthday 🙂 ) Hopefully sometime in May, fingers crossed. After that, I’ll finish up Stone Seduction (which was almost halfway finished when I started A Million Kisses, go figure) and then we’ll see where we go from there since there are several options. Ana’s sister wants her story told, there are still a LOT of gargoyles out there, plus I have a whole storage box full of snippets and ideas. Or something like Winter might come along and blow everything else out of the way. Who knows.

I do have some pretty awesome stuff for A Million Kisses to give away when I get to that point. My models are so perfect for Ana and Harrison and they are so beautiful that I want to put their images on all of the things. 🙂 Once it gets closer to publication, I’ll start thinking about giveaways and such.

Stone Solitude is now on Smashwords and therefore should shortly be available everywhere else. I had forgotten to uncheck the automatic renewal in KDP select so it had a full six months as Amazon exclusive – sorry to any non-Amazon readers out there!! I uploaded the files yesterday and when they did an epub check, there were two issues dealing with images that made it fail so I had to take out the images. It’s not a big loss – they were only used at the chapter heading and for story breaks – but they were kind of pretty. Anyhow, Stone Solitude is available at more places now.

That’s all for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and spring break. ❤