Whew! Thank goodness that is done. Mostly.

I shipped off the last batch of prizes today and I am very happy that it went so smoothly. I only have two winners that never got back to me with their addresses, which is unfortunate. I kind of want to give them more time in the off chance they find the emails I sent buried in their in box or spam box – or they see the post on facebook and are able to get me their information. I have been checking my spam folder in case yahoo is trying to sabotage the system. 🙂 If I don’t hear anything by Sunday evening I will pick two new winners for the final two prizes.  Rafflecopter has a 48 hour time limit but that doesn’t seem long enough – so a week it is. I already have one winner who has received her prize, which is very cool. 🙂

Getting the prizes packed up has been interesting. If you get my facebook posts you will know that I went out on Tuesday after mailing off the first batch of prizes to pick up some boxes for mailing the mugs. I don’t know why I waited until the last minute but I did and when I went to the store they only had one box. So after I mailed off the second batch on Wednesday (I recycled boxes for the steins because the mug boxes were just the teeniest bit too small and the next size up was WAY too big) I went to another store where there were many, mane mug boxes. They even had some left after I got through with them! Today, however, I blame on forgetfulness. I had all of my boxes in my Ikea bag (they mostly fit) and the last two international envelopes and the daughter all in the car. We get to the post office and I get out, grab the bag and realize I needed to grab my purse from the front seat. Lo and behold it wasn’t in the front seat because I forgot it at home. So I packed the car back up, drove back to the house, ran inside and grabbed the purse and headed back up to the post office. Afterwards, I took my daughter to Dairy Queen, which was necessary by that point. 🙂

Now that the Fall in Love with a Gargoyle Giveaway (the Gargoyle Giveaway) has ended it is time to get back to writing – and editing. I received the proof of After Blight a few days ago and now that the prizes are packed up and sent off I can concentrate on that and get After Blight finished so I can focus on other stories (ahem: the sequel to Darkness Comes, and others.)

The Prizes, prepackaged:

WP_20130820_0082nd day shipment:


3rd day shipment (minus the two envelopes that are below) My daughter helped with the boxes and marking them as fragile. She got creative.)WP_20130821_002

All of the envelopes, which contain items from books to bookmarks to key chains to t-shirts.WPz -FOT9C0C

Thank you all for making the giveaway such a massive success!! Muah!! XX

Gargoyle Giveaway WINNERS!


You’re all winners unfortunately I only have so many prizes and not everyone won something. 😦 You all have won my love and everlasting thanks, though. The list of winners is located at the rafflecopter site above (no last names) and the winners have been contacted so if you see your name be sure to check your email  and your spam folder so I can get those prizes sent off.

The daughter and I just got back from a week and a half in Virginia (the middlest son stayed behind for a while longer) and while we were there we got to visit D.C. Everyone needs to go to the nation’s capitol at least once in their lives – this was my first time and it was really neat. I do recommend wearing really good shoes – there is a lot of walking involved.

Of course, being absent-minded I left my camera at home so we had to pick one up and that was the coolest thing because we got the Nikon Coolpix S3500 and it comes with some pretty fun effects:

Also, Stone Destiny is now available at Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/348632 and will soon be available at other stores (Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Sony, iTunes….)