Stone Seduction is LIVE

Stone Seduction is now live on Amazon. I hit the publish button yesterday around three thirty, four o’clock, thinking it would be a day before it published. It went live less than two hours later. If only createspace could be as quick. I submitted those files around ten in the morning only to discover a mistake that was easy to correct. I had to wait until the files were approved – twenty-four hours later – to re-upload the corrected manuscript. So I get to wait again before the paperback will be ready. Since the daughter’s copy will arrive on Friday (hopefully) I’ll see how it looks and if it looks as gorgeous as the digital proof, I’ll be able to okay the files, order the books, and have the hard copies! Woo hoo!

There will be a goodreads giveaway once it’s approved. I’ll post the details when they become available.

Here are the final covers (eBook and paperback):


stone seduction cover

Are you ready for Remus?

teaser 3

I have finished up the first complete draft of Stone Seduction and am in the process of more editing. 80% of it has already been heavily edited so hopefully it won’t take too long before I can send it off to my Beta readers. With princess costumes made and Halloween out of the way, I should be able to focus on Joss and Remus. 😀

first complete draft

In case you missed it on Facebook, here are this year’s costumes for Little Miss:

Halloween week 2015

And then Halloween night:

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